We help those in need

We are not detached from the problems of others and therefore we are regular donors to various charitable funds. We help where it’s most needed – deserted, persecuted or sick children, also to those affected by a natural disaster. We are well aware that similar fate could encounter any of us. Therefore our help is also a thanks for the fact that we can help. Join us.

In the year 2006 we financially supported these organizations:

Children’s asylum Opařany –  – 14.880,-
Children’s asylum Opařany is the largest children asylum in Czech Republic. It offers structured and complex treatment for acute cases as well as for conditions requiring long-term hospitalization.

Children’s home and school canteen Bojkovice – – handouts
Children’s home Bojkovice in Zlin region offers refuge to children without a family since 1939. It pleases us that our gifts made the children happy.

OS Život dětem - – 181.760,- (1.2. - 30.4.2006)
The mission of the civic association "Život dětem" is to help sick children in all Czech Republic. We were able to collect CZK 57.600,- for 2880 sold hearts in the interval from 1.2. to 30.4.2006 thanks to all of you who have bought the coloured heart with the logo of the association in our e-shop. The gains from the sale of the hearts are regularly transfered to the associations account. Thank you that you help to change the children’s tears into children’s smiles.

Hand for Help - – 20.000,-
Public service organization Hand for Help, o.p.s. helps victims of floods.

Hand for Help - – 10.000,-
The primary goal of the public service organization Hand for Help, o.p.s. is to provide aid to victims of catastrophes, governmental or non-governmental organizations in areas stricken by destructive natural catastrophes.

In the year 2005 we financially supported these organizations:

Children’s asylum Opařany –  – 10.000,-
Children’s asylum Opařany is the largest children asylum in Czech Republic. It offers structured and complex treatment for acute cases as well as for conditions requiring long-term hospitalization.

Hand for Help - – 200.000,-
Public service organization Hand for Help, o.p.s. emerged after the destructive earthquakes in Turkey in 1999.

People in Need – SOS Pakistan - – 400.000,-
Devastating earthquake which swept through northern areas of Pakistan and India on the 8. October 2005 killing over 85 000 people, injuring more than 85 000, and leaving more than 3 million homeless. People in Need started a public collection "SOS Pakistan" to help the victims of this disaster.

TJ Slovan Svoboda Praha - - 5.000,-
Table tennis sports team TJ Slovan Svoboda Praha is frequented by members of Czech union of physically handicapped sportsmen of the Czech Republic.

People in Need - – 31.000,-
Public service organization "People in Need" started as a humanitarian organization with the goal of helping in disaster areas and defending human rights all over the world.

In the year 2004 we financially supported these organizations:

Endownment fund for children oncology Krtek - - 45.000,-
Civic association with the field of action in the whole Czech Republic which helps mistreated, deprived, abused and deserted children.

Nadace Terezy Maxove - - 35.000,-
The goal of this institution is an all-round aid for deserted children. Under it’s patronage is over 200 infant homes and orphanages in Czech Republic.

Institution for bone marrow transplantation - - 35.000,-
Supports health programmes which try to improve life of people with leucemia and other severe blood diseases and tumours.

Institution for bone marrow transplantation - - 35.000,-
The goals of this institution is to improve the treatment enviroment for people suffering from blood diseases, to buy new modern equipment and to provide and support educational activities for patients, personnel and other hematologists which are not financed by standart health care in our republic.

League against cancer - - 40.000,-
This league has 3 main goals: promote tumour prevention, improve the quality of life of those oncologicaly ill, support oncological research.

Centre of christian help in Prague -  - 20.000,-
Motto: Life crisis is a situation which can encounter any of us. It is a subjectively experienced state of hopelessness, despair, exhaustion, helplessness. Do you have the feeling that you can’t go on? That you have reached the "rock bottom"? In these situations peole need help, support, understanding, safety.


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a vásárlók 98% visszatérő
30 év tapasztalat az e-kereskedelemben
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a vásárlók 98% visszatérő
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